When you expand ButtonTalk14.sit you should have a folder which contains:
• ME FIRST! — the file that you’re reading right now.
• About ButtonTalk™ 1.4.1 — a quick description of ButtonTalk.
• ButtonTalk™ 1.4.1 — a tool for creating interactive text. It’s what this package is all about.
• ButtonTalk™ Companion — a program created with ButtonTalk. It explains how to use ButtonTalk, why I made it, what it does, and the terms and conditions for using it. ButtonTalk uses the Companion whenever it builds a new program; so don’t lose it or throw it away. Also, you MUST NOT change it’s name.
• The Luminous Dome — a story fragment I created with ButtonTalk. I’ve included it as an example of some of things I’ve thought of to do with ButtonTalk.
ButtonTalk is copyright 1996 by Stephen Linhart and is free for personal use. Please copy and distribute the complete ButtonTalk14.sit archive rather than the individual files.